
Gembira Coffee House Founded Since 1946

MINAHASA, – While entering Kawangkoan Village, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, you will find many coffee house lined up in the centre of the village.

And Rumah Kopi Gembira (Gembira Coffee House) is a popular place in that area.

Smell of incense is the first impression while entrance the coffee house. Chinese decoration fill on the wall and the ceilings.

And also you will see the lettering on a board “Tidak sedia wi-fi, ngobrolah dengan teman nda atau tamu di sebelah anda” (No wi-fi, just talking with your friends or the guest).

That is means this coffee house is the place to enjoying time with people, not gadgets.

Gembira Coffee House founded since 1946 by a chinese merchant named Ip Tae Hang, under the name of Kedai Kamhoeng, had been serving coffee, tea, and cake.

And the basic ingredients from local produce. According to Ip Tae Hang’s third generation, Silvana Soesanto, in the first her grandfather was served Bobengka cake and others cake that made from sweet potatoes, when flour is not there yet.

Since 1946 until now, Gembira Coffee House serving Robusta Bean coffee are North Sulawesi originated, and also Biapong. Gembira coffee house open at 06.00 am till 09.00 pm.

Writer : Tesa Senduk

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