Six Theater Groups Had Perform In 2018 GMIST FTPG In Tahuna

Tessa Senduk

MANADO, – Theatrical is beginning grow in the church environment in Sangihe Archipelago Regency. At previous year, a similar event was held by Bethlehem Tahuna Church on June 3, 2017, entitled ‘GMIST-1 Theater Festival’ that had been success to amaze the audience.

In 2018 is the turn of Pelka Youth Resort GMIST Tahuna to organizing Festival Teater Pemuda Gereja (FTPG) themed ‘Theater Revolution’ in the Churh of Bahtra Hayat Kolongan Beha, Tuesday (29/5/2018).

Six theater groups competed to show their creativity in that event. Among these are Sanggar Mentari (Bitung), Sanggar Gelora Samudra (Bitung), Theater Awan SMA Negeri 2 Tahuna, Theater Kolam Naha, Teater The Faith Kolongan Mitung, and Theater Bongkong Kakendage Eneratu Tahuna.

Sangihe community is enthusiastically welcomed this event. Moreover, who participated in the festival is come from outside area of Sangihe. This was conveyed by Michael Indra Dangkarang, as a committee, when met on the second night of the festival, Wednesday (30/5/2018).

“Thank God, the enthusiasm of the congregation and also the community is very supportive for this theater festival. Moreover, this festival was attended by Sanggar Binaan Tangkasi Kota Bitung,” said Dangkarang.

He explains, staging art like this was already which starts from simple staging and then inspire to be more serious.

“Starting from 2017 there is a simple manuscript with the title ‘Memilih Salib’ when it had been performed make the citizens are very appreciative. And I as the youth chairman had initiated the theater. Until last year we also participated in theater festival in Siau,” he explained.

GMIST Theater Festival of Resort Tahuna can be implemented and of the Bahtera Hayat Kolongan Beha is appointed as the organizer of this event. For him, theater is a better media in carrying out church missions.

“That is why we choose a theater, because theater art is complete. And can be a place for the talents of young adolescents in the GMIST,” said Dangkarang who is also a Police.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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