
Tomohon City Will Have Sports Center

MANADO, – The flower city or Tomohon City that located in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, are going to have Sport Hall or Sports Center. Where, the facility is begin to be built by Tomohon City Government through the Public Works Department and Regional Spatial Planning.

Beside of Sport Hall construction of Sport Hall that located ini Parasamya Walian Stadium, they will also increase the Parasamya Stadium itself.

The commencement of these two projects was also marked by the first pole erection of symbols by Tomohon Mayor Jimmy Feidie Eman with the Regional Government Leadership Council of Tomohon City, Kajari Tomohon Edy Winarko, Police Chief represented by Deputy Commander Joyce Wowor, and Dandim 1302 Minahasa, on Tuesday (5/6/2018).

The symbols of first pile was done in the worship that led by Pdt Vonny Mandagi-Warouw.

Head of Public Works Department and Regional Spatial Planning Joice Taroreh said in her report, the construction of sports facilities and improvements the Parasamya Stadium in order to improve public service facilities and also infrastructure in Tomohon City.

“The purpose of the construction of sports hall and stadium are improvements to provide facilities for various sports matches, as well as facilities for spectators in accordance with national standards, because until now, Tomohon does not have a national standard sport hall. And also, to increase Green Open Space,” she said.

In addition, the construction is also to improve sports achievements and public interest to exercise and make the stadium as a competation place of various sports.

Meanwhile, continued Taroreh, Sport Hall will be built on a land area of ​​1200 square meters, in which will be available facilities such as Badminton field, Futsal, Volleyball and others, and also a balcony for the audience.

For the stadium area of ​​1440 square meters will be built a tribune 600 square meters, with facilities such as athletic rooms and sports offices.

“The funds from the APBD of Tomohon in 2018. For Sport Hall the budget is Rp14,9 billion with the implementation time for 270 days. As for the increase in stadium area budget Rp9,9 billion with the implementation time of 240 calendar days,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mayor Eman in his speech said, the development and improvement of sports facilities is one of the programs and targets of Tomohon City Government to channel the expectations of the community in sports.

He explained, since Tomohon split in 2003 ago, this is the first time the stadium is now named Stadium Babe Palar will be fix up.

“This will be community own. We hope, with the completion of this facility, people can come to exercise here. There will be many facilities here and the specifications are national standard,” he said.

Eman also hope, the executor will carry out the project according to the rules, timely and in accordance with the specifications.

“Hopefully this year can be use,” said Eman.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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