ZONAUTARA.com – Watu Pinantik is located in Kali village, Pineleng district, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi. Watu Pinantik means a slate.

Watu Pinantik is a trace by a Spanish pastor Lorenzo Gerald. About 1639 Lorenzo joined the Spanish troops to North Sulawesi in mission to spread Catholic religion in Minahasa especially in Kali village. It was a difficult journey for them because to entrance the village they had to climbing a hill ‘Watu Pinantik’. At the time, the large trees and shrubs were grown.

From the top of the hills, Lorenzo could see the daily activity of the society in Kali known as a strong culture tradition. After observing, he went to Kali village.

Even though, they had right purpose for the society with the aim of spread the Catholicism, but they had rejected from the society who believed to their ancestors. He was chased and would be killed.

Lorenzo ran and hide in Pinawa watu hills and current named as Watu Pinantik hills. “On this hills he had be arrested, killed, and buried. However, the location of Lorenzo’s grave is not known until know because the elders were hide the grave”. Said Ventje Wongkar, a citizen in Kali village.


Authoer: Tessa Filia Senduk

Indonesian version: Tomy Lasut

Editor: Ronny a. Buol

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