
Collaborative Contemporary Theatre Of Indonesia-Japan – Indonesia-Japan theater collaboration is currently in stage of arable maturity. This collaboration brings the script of Dionysus, a story of Greek tragedy. Directed by a Japan maestro Tadashi Suzuki and produced by Purnati and Suzuki Company of Toga (SCOT).

Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum as Producer in press release that received of ZonaUtara editorial (20-09-2017), said This production will be world premiere in next year summer about August-September 2018 in Toga Toyama Prefecture Japan. And the show in Indonesia will be held in October 2018 in Prambanan Temple.

This performance will be play by actors from Indonesia, Japan, and China. Moreover the Indonesia actors will use Indonesia Language in their performance, and also vernacular.

Dionysus production is commitment of Bumi Purnati Indonesia and Bali Purnati Foundation in order to improve Indonesia art, especially theater. Since successfully implement of I La Galigo to 12 cities in 9 countries (2004-2011), and Under the Volcano in Beijing Olympic Theater (2014). Also this production would be held to celebrate 60 years Indonesia-Japan friendship.


Author: Tesa Filia Senduk

Indonesian version: Iverdixon Tinungki

Editor: Ronny A. Buol

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