Malaysia Parachutist Landed on The Building Roof

Rahadih Gedoan

MANADO, – The second day of Manado International Open Parachuting Championship startled with a mistake landed of a parachutist from Malaysia.

Moh Nor Feirkhan, a parachutist from Junior Malaysia team had landing on a building roof in Marina Plaza area. At the time of incident, he was in height about 100 meters and it is too far from the pit (circle landing) and finally he had to landed on Spa roof.

The situation in this event suddenly noise when see Nor landed on the roof. Tanaka Shiatzu surprised by the guest from the sky.

“We were so surprised of a parachutist that landed in our building. Before it, we were hear something fall down in forth floor. And then some soldiers from Sam Ratulangi Airport come to evacuate a parachutist,” said Iren an employee of Tanaka Shiatzu.

Fortunately, he is not injured. He had perfect landed in forth floor.

“I am fine and while on the air about 100 meters the wind being strong. So, I had to landed on a roof,” said Nor.

Since this event was begin, there are two parachutists had landed on a roof. Gamaliel from PTP AST Indonesia team was also landed on a roof in the first day. And Moh Nor Feirkhan had mistake landed in the second day.

Watch: VIDEO: Peterjun Ini Mendarat Di Atap Spa


Writer: Tesa Filia Senduk

Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

Jurnalis, Instruktur Akting, Pelatih Teater, Sastrawan, Ketua Dewan Kesenian Kota Manado.

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