Waruga in Pineleng Village Had Not Noticed From The Government

Tessa Senduk

MANADO, ZONAUTARA.com – Waruga is an old grave of Minahasa citizens. Historical relics, can be found in several areas in North Sulawesi. In Pineleng Village, Minahasa Regency, there are 16 waruga that are neatly lined up.

According to Donald Jacob (42), a resident who lives around waruga said that 16 relics of this ancient Minahasa culture, standing on a land measuring about 15 x 15 meters.

Donald is a caretaker of waruga said, the land built the waruga belongs to his grandfather who granted for Minahasa culture. On the land there are some old waruga but the position is almost lost in the earth.

“In 2011, me with some peers of cultural observers was began to do the restoration,” said Jacob.

Their group began to dig up and lift the position of some waruga that almost lost then put it parallel to the ground. Some medium-sized waruga they  found in a radius about 100 meters from the place.

“Based on the guidance we got from our ancestors, through the Minahasa custom rituals, we lift and move it here, “explained Jacob.

After most of it has been moved, they are are several obstacles such as lack of land. Another obstacle, related to the development and maintenance of the waruga

“Until now, the existence of a dozen waruga has not ogled and noticed from the government,” said Jacob.

According to him, the desire of cultural observers groups is to registered this waruga to be a part of cultural sites that need to be preserved.

“Until now, the maintenance cost is get form the community contribution of lovers and cultural observers,” he added.

Just to be known, 16 waruga is an old grave of several tumani (founder) of the village, including Wongkat Ssyouw Saruan, Parengkuan and Masahari Parengkuan.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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