
Media Becomes Important Role for North Sulawesi Police and Bhayangkari

MANADO, – Head of North Sulawesi Bhayangkari Ruthy Bambang Waskito said, that newspaper, cyber media, and social media have an extraordinary role for institutions and organizations, especially for Police of North Sulawesi and Bhayangkari.

It was conveyed to journalists after journalism training and photography in Tribrata Mapolda Sulut Hall, on Wednesday (11/4/2018).
Head of North Sulawesi Bhayangkari Ruthy Bambang Waskito is giving material in Tribrata Sulut Hall (Foto : zonautara/Rhendy Umar)

This event was followed by members of Bhayangkari, police and journalists. Various materials are given from basics of journalism, how to write news, how to distinguish the actual news and fake news, and also the basics of photography.

She hopes that this training can be understood correctly by members of Public Relations Polresta of North Sulawesi Police and Bhayangkari administrators.

“Any news that is automatically accompanied by photos will be listed and exposed as a positive thing,” she said.

She also hoped that the activities in Police and Bhayangkari of North Sulawesi could be exposed in correct writing and statements.

“Therefore, this training is directly practice, such as how makes journalistic photos and journalistic writing that must be factual, educational, positive, and of course can keep the unity of NKRI,” explained Ruthy.

The speaker who gives material about journalism that is representative from National News Agency Antara North Sulawesi Guido Merung.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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