
SMK Santa Familia Tomohon, The Best Hospitality Accommodation In North Sulawesi

MANADO, – Vocational High School or SMK Catholic Santa Familia Tomohon is one of the best schools of Human Resources (HR) that ready to face the world work.

Thus, the quality of students under Yosep Foundation is be a priority to improvement. One of them is the student quality of hospitality fields.

Various achievements have been achieved SMK Catholic Santa Familia Tomohon is become the best Hospitality Accommodation in North Sulawesi.

The awards are achieved by students Julita Maria Scout Johanis 1st Winner of Accommodation Hospitality Competition in Student Skills Competition SMK in level Province which lasted 16 to 19 April 2018 in Manado City.

Headmaster of SMK Catholic Santa Familia Tomohon Herald Nixon Aray said, that they are still trying to maintain and improve the school quality.

“This is a proof and acknowledgment that our school SMK Santa Familia Tomohon always strives to maintain quality of education and produce a successful young generation,” Aray said, Tuesday (24/4/2018).

Meanwhile, Head of Department of Hospitality Audy Langitan added, SMK Catholic Santa Familia Tomohon will represent North Sulawesi to participate in competition at national level.

“So, we will represent North Sulawesi in national competition in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province, from 6 to 12 May 2018,” said Langitan.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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