MANADO, – Almost every regions in Indonesia has their own unique culinary. Each of them has different taste in combining the foods. And if you like spicy foods, then maybe your tongue will be happy if you take it to Manado.
Manado, North Sulawesi is popular with its culinary tourism, a variety of unique traditional food has been known in both Indonesia and aboard. The most popular foods in Manado are chilies, fish, and meat. Manadonese food is famous of two things: the Minahasa eat absolutely anything, and the flavor of choice is very, very spicy. Sugar is used little if at all, with flavor added through lemon and herbs.
Well, here are the lists of culinary tourism in Manado:
- Sambal Dabu Dabu
A spicy condiment made of hallots, peppers, bird’s eye chili, lemon juice, and some diced raw tomatoe. The Fresh and sour tasty, and spicy of course. It is perfect match with smoked fish.

- Ayam Rica Rica
Ayam rica rice made from chicken and lots of chili that cooked in a thick coconut milk and lime.
- Woku
Woku is the name of fish and spice mixture that cooked in a clay pot. Because it was cooked in a clay pot for a long time, Woku would have an amazing aroma when it is served warm and make you hungry immediately.
- Tinutuan
Tinutuan or better known as Manado Porridge. A wet food made from rice, noodles, pumpkin and various vegetables such as corn kernels, spinach, kale, basil, yellow gourd, and gravy. Tinutuan has been the icon of Manado city. It is mostly preferred as a breakfast menu. So, it would be very easy to get this food every morning either it is on a street food stands or even a fancy restaurant. But if you want to taste the best and most original taste of Tinutuan, then you need to try one at Jalan Wakeke.

- Extreme Culinnary
Manado city is popular for using strange meat on their dish. Such as: snake, pork, dog, bat, rat. You can found these extreme foods in Tomohon city, Kawangkoan village, and Langowan village.
Manado city also has two traditional drink, they are saguer and cap tikus made from palm tree. Just drinks enough as you can, because these both could make drunk.
Here is the recommended culinary list restaurant in Manado city:
- Boulevard area on Jalan Piere Tendean.
- Wahaha Seafood Restaurant at Kawasan Foodcity Mega Mas, Jalan Bulevard 2 Blok Food City No. 1.
- D’Terrace at Mega Mas Beach Area
- Raja Sate BBQ & Asian Resto on Jalan Boulevard No. 9
- RM Swadaya on Jalan Sam Ratulangi No. 374
- Wisata Bahari Resto on Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 1.
- City Extra Restaurant on Jalan Raya Tanawangko, Kalasey Village.
- Nasi Kuning Saroja in Jalan Diponegoro No. 9.
- Wakeke Area on Jalan Wakeke
- Raja Oci Restaurant on Jalan Sudirman No.85
- Green Garden Restaurant on Jalan Dr Sam Ratulangi 52
Wonderful places in Manado…
Editor: Ronny A. Buol