
Robusta Pinogu Coffee – Robusta Pinogu Coffee is originated from Gorontalo, Indonesia plantation on the hills. The plantation ecosystem in Gorontalo has fertile soil for Robusta coffee plant, scattered in the villages of Pinogu, Bangio, Tilongkabila and Pinogu Permai.

This coffee has a long history. Coffee cultivation in Gorontalo originates with cultuurstelsel ‘enforced planting’ during the Dutch colonial era. The 19th century colonial government invited the King of Gorontalo, Mohamad Iskandar Pui Monoarfa to the island of Ternate to sign an agreement, whereby compulsory coffee planting was introduced throughout his jurisdictions. One of the earliest blends of coffee grown in Gorontalo, an organic mix of Robusta and Liberika called Kopi Pinogu. In 1875, this coffee became a favorite of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands.

Robusta Pinogu coffee becomes an origin coffee in Indonesia based on the test results of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Center (Puslitkoka) in Jember, has an excellent tasted with score between 80.75 – 81.75 and have a distinctive chocolate tasted.

On March 2013, Bone Bolango Regent and team brought this coffee in ‘International Tourism Borsc’ in Berlin. And so many people interested to taste Robusta Pinogu coffee.

This Gorontalo unique coffee can also be found in Manado city, to be exact in Swiss-Belhotel Maleosan.


Editor: Ronny A. Buol

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