
Worang Battalion Monument

MANADO , – Some people in North Sulawesi may not know about the monument that stands in front of Jumbo supermarket.

It is a commemoration monument of Worang Battalion landing. This army is known as Battalion Worang because it was led by Major Hein Victor Worang who was assigned to Manado to maintain Indonesia from the separatist movement.

The Worang Battalion is one of the Battalions under the Army Headquarters (Markas Besar Angkatan Darat), formerly named of Battalion B on the 16th Brigade.

Worang Battalion consists of seven companies, they are: Yuus Somba Company, Utu Lalu, Wim Tenges, Wuisan, Andi Odang, John Ottay, and Kompas Wim Yoseph (Kompi Markas), with Captain Rory’s Chief of Staff Battalion. The Worang Battalion Forces has about 1,100 people.

The Worang Battalion was duty in military operations. They had been landed in East Java, Jakarta, Makassar, Ambon and Manado. After mastering Manado, the Worang Battalion was sent to Maluku to join the military operation to suppress the Republic of South Maluku.

Hein Victor Worang was born in Tontalete on March 12, 1919, and was the first of Minahasa people that become Generals Army in January 1965 and July 1971.

Major General Hein Victor Worang was become as Governor of North Sulawesi on 2 March 1967. And then, he died in 1982 at the age of 63 years old.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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