
The Benefits If Marijuana is Legalized

MANADO, – Since thousands years ago, cannabis plants have been used in herbal medicine. However, the use of cannabis in modern medicine is still controversy.

As quoted from the prohibition of marijuana to be used in medicine is fears of widespread abuse. In many countries, marijuana is still considered a prohibited narcotics.

There are some countries that allow use of marijuana medically, although limited. In the doctor’s supervision, active substances in cannabis can be used to treat epilepsy, reduce pain, and recurrent seizures.

In a recent study published in the journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence revealed what are the benefits when marijuana for medical treatment is legalized.

The study was conducted in 27 state in the United States between 1997-2014. When cannabis as a drug is legalized, it turns out the number of hospital treatment for cannabis addiction fell to 23 percent. Not only that, the rate of overdose also decreased 11 percent.

Yuyan Shi, the lead researcher, said it was too early to mention the results of her research could be used to support the legalization of marijuana as a way to prevent addiction and overdose.

“However, policymakers should be consider the positive consequences of legalizing cannabis in medicine,” says Shi, assistant professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California at San Diego.

Utilization of marijuana in medical treatment in some US or UK states is permissible for cancer patients, glaucoma, HIV / AIDS, chronic pain, depression, epilepsy, seizures, or continuous muscle stiffness.

Patients whome wants to get drugs made from marijuana should show cards. To get it, the doctor will do a check before issuing a note that we need the drug.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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