
Environmentally Area, Pig Waste Processed Into Biogas

MANADO, – The students from Manado State University was do environmental tours in North Minahasa Regency. They were visit the area of environmentally settlement of Karioka Group’s in Tumaluntung Village, Kauditan District.

Accompanied by A’makalendong Indonesia and supported by PT Tirta Investama, pig waste is processed into biogas. In addition, the area is an ​​organic farming also.

Students whose visited were impressed with the eco-friendly system implemented in this region.

“We are very impressed with the practice of this environmentally friendly area. We hope, this place could be more popular,” said the group leaders Elen Sinaga and Steven Goni.

Importantly to be known that the regional management system is from pig waste then be converted into biogas for stoves and lamps. The final result of biogas can be used as organic fertilizer both solid and liquid for healthy plants and vegetables.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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