
Vegetable Tomato is The Biggest Inflation in Manado City in January 2018

MANADO, – January 2018 Manado experienced an inflation of 0.49 percent. Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sulawesi released inflation data calendar year of 0.49 percent and year on year inflation of 1.83 percent.

Head of Distribution Division in Central Bureau Statistics of North Sulawesi Marthedy M Tenggehi explained that the inflation of Manado City in January 2018 was due to an increase in index in almost all expenditure groups except Junk Food, Beverage, Cigarette and Clothing Expenditure.

He explained that each percentage of changes in expenditure index, Food Expenditure Group  1.86 percent, Junk Food, Beverage, Cigarette and Tobacco Group  -0.05 percent, Housing Expenditure Group of Water, Electricity, Gas and Fuel 0.11 percent, Clothing Group -0.37 percent, Health Expenditure Group 0.30 percent, and Education Expenditure Group  0.20 percent. While Transport, Communications, and Financial Services amounted to 0.17 percent.

“The biggest contributor to inflation in Manado City in January 2018 is Vegetable Tomatoes amounted 0.266 percent, while the biggest deflation contributor is Lemon -0.042 percent,” said Marthedy.

When looking at intercity comparison on Sulawesi Island, from CPI cities in Sulawesi Island region which amounted to 11 cities, in January 2018 noted 11 cities experiencing inflation. The highest inflations occurred in Pare-Pare City of 1.38 percent and the lowest inflation in Manado was 0.49 percent.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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