
Ngongo, Historical Heritage Traces of Maliku Village

MANADO, – Maliku Village, East Amurang District, South Minahasa Region has various historical heritage. One of them is the cave that called Ngongo.

Head of Maliku Village Ferry Pieters Pandey invited Zona Utara journalist to visit the historical relics located about 50 meters from the village.

Ferry revealed that from the story of the anchestor in Maliku Village, the existence of the cave has been before the colonial era.

“We called Ngongo cave, we do not know who is and when made it is. Because in addition, the history of Maliku Village has been lost,” said Ferry.

Until now, nobody has ever traced this cave about 7 meters of diameter that lies on the riverbank. Local people did not dare to go deeper into the cave where there is clean water and bird and bat nest.

Supposedly, based on the story of elders, the cave is translucent to other parts of the hill in the village.

According to Ferry, in addition to the existence of the cave, Maliku Village has several stones inscriptions originated from ancient times.

“This village has existed since 1600s, many stones have historical value that has a relationship with the existence of this village,” he explained.

The existence of caves and some historic stones make Ferry and community, is pioneering the place to become a historical tourist destination.

“We have incorporated into the development plan of tourism potential in the village, from the concept, budget and management. Thus, this can value for the villagers of Maliku,” he concluded.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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