
Biaro Island in the Planning of Jutixel Rudolf Parera

MANADO, – The exotic of Biaro Island is the asset to make Sitaro Archipelago Regency into a large map of Indonesian and also world tourism. According Jutixel Rudolf Parera’s mindset is chances of generating the tourism industry should start from Biaro.

“Biaro Island was first encountered while traveling from Manado City to Sitaro Regency, so it can be said that Biaro is the gate of Sitaro region so it should be maximized especially to generate the tourism industry,” said Parera, Vice Regent Candidate from Golkar Party paired with Alfrets Ronald Takarendehang Regent Candidate, Friday (23/02/2018).

Acceleration of regional tourism is one of Ronald-Rudolf’s programs in the nomination to become the leader of Sitaro Regency in elections on 27 June 2018. Rudolf said the tourism sector should be developed as a new and creative industry, to lift up the economy of society. Here, the selling point of Biaro Island is getting higher.

“There are so many reasons why Biaro can become a mainstay object, its segmentation ranges from natural beauty, underwater panorama and fishing location,” he said.

Biaro does save a million charms to be shown to the world. On the island, near Tumora Beach there is a diving spot. The panorama extends to Teluk Buang, Tope Bay, and Kalakuhi Beach.

While on land tourists can see the natural beauty of the Salangka lsand or enjoy the sun in Lamanggo Beach, also visitor can be fishing.

According to Parera, Biaro Island is waiting to be touched. So far the government has built a pier to facilitate access. But making tourism become an industry for community obviously needs resources development and infrastructure improvements.

“Ronald and I have a clear mission for development the regional tourism. This is what we mean as the next focus for the economy of the people who have been just relying on plantation and fishery sectors,” Parera said.

One of commonly they said is to hold local business entities focused on tourism affairs. They will create synergy with relevant agencies more specifically in promotion. Also from there they will start various efforts to educate the public in the tourism object area to be ready to receive tourist arrivals, as well as how to take advantage the opportunity to get results.

“Our promotion will use technology to save the local budget, we will educate the public to explore their creativity about tourism industry,” he said.

Jesika Sambentiro, resident from Ulu Siau agree with the idea of ​​Ronald-Rudolf to explore tourism in Biaro. During this time according to her there is a dark stigma attached to Biaro among bureaucrats. But by maximizing the tourism industry, the image of Biaro will be lifted and not impossible to become a world tourism destination.

“I agree the ideas of Ronald and Rudolf in order to improve the economy of society, moreover make Biaro as a tourist destination, I think Sitaro needs this both smart leaders,” said Jesika.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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