
Infidelity, Domestic Violence, And Financial Problems Are The Most Reason Of Divorce

MANADO, – Divorce means dissolution of a marriage. People who were initially joined together through marriage had chosen to termination of marriage. In most countries, included Indonesia, divorce has to through legal process.

In Manado City, North Sulawesi there is common reason people get divorced. But often, it is because of third person or infidelity.

It is said by Legal Practitioners Vebry Tri Haryadi who daily handles that case in court.

“Dominantly, people get divorced because had cheating,” said Vebry.

According to him, in addition to the third person, divorce does occur because of domestic violence, either physical or verbal. And aslo financial problems.

“For example, the husband cannot afford his wife at all,” he said.

Vebry explained, divorce manage is not difficult. Even if there is opposition from divorced parties, the divorce will still be decided by the Court. But they have to a strong reason why divorce.

“The divorce laws regulated in UU No. 1 of 1974 about Marriage,” said Vebry.

Sometimes, divorce process is being difficult if there is a joint treasure. Vebry warned that a joint property lawsuit after the divorce process is over.

“This is learning for the community about divorce lawsuit cannot coincide with a joint property lawsuit. So wait for divorce over, and then make a joint property lawsuit,” he explained.

Divorce can makes hostility between both of them. Especially when related to child custody. The impact of this hostility can lead to a protracted case, leading up to the stage of appeal.

“So the divorce is rarely hearty acceptance,” he said.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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