Sangihe Community Trained About Water Rescue

Tessa Senduk

MANADO, – Search and Rescue Agency of Manado held Water Rescue training to community in Sangihe Islands from 9 to 11 April 2018.

The training was held in Sanggar Legiatan Belajar (SKB) and attended  30 participants talhat was opened by Vice Regent of Sangihe Island Helmut Hontong.

In his speech, Helmut hopes they can follow this best training.

“Search and Rescue Agency with Potential SAR in Sangihe Archipelago is competent  of conducting fast, precise, reliable in search and help. We hope that all participants of this training can seriously follow the training until the end,” said Helmut.

In addition, this training is expected to increase the togetherness in all  parties, and can contribute positively in search and rescue services.

In the future this training will be sustainable. We as a government is very support so that people know how to help in water and can be applied if it happens,” said Helmut.

Meanwhile, Public Relation of Manado Search and Rescue Agency Ferry Arianto said that they are try to getting closer to society by doing socialization, training and coaching. So that people would know what is the importance of salvation.

“Training and fostering the potential to agencies, organizations, or individuals are also a part of the task and function of Search and Rescue Agency,” said Ferry.

He added that the National Search and Rescue Agency has equalized the perception of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the implementation of SAR operations.

“With this training, Sangihe SAR potential can be extended from  Manado Search and Rescue Agency to synergize to report about disaster, so could reduce the casualties. The success of SAR operation can not be separated from the support and assistance from the potential of SAR and local community, so that the SAR service to  community can be fast, accurate, safe and correct,” he said.

Editor: Eva Aruperes

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