
Masni And Martha, Collectors Plastic Bottle

MANADO, – Cheerfully and as though unburdened, two little boys visible running energetically while scrambling plastic bottles that looked into the eye.

Act of both was not a mere fad. Instead, plastic bottles they picked were input into sacks that carried by two middle-aged women.

This is the view that was successfully observed by Zona Utara journalist as they passed the Shopping Area M-Walk, Thursday (19/4/2018) in the afternoon.

Two women known as Martha (63) and Masni (42), a resident of Neighborhood IV, Malvinas Satu, Tikala District. Meanwhile, two boys are named Rifano and Randy (4) who is the grandson of both women.

Both said that they collecting bottles plastic for a reason.

“We collect them for sale,” says Masni.

According to her, the collection of plastic bottles they sell although not many in income, but has boosted their families economic needs.

“My work is to help support the family needs. Moreover, I have seven children and my husband just a daily casual laborers,” said Masni.

Similarly it disclosed by Martha.

“My husband is away with another woman, so I have to work in order to support myself and my family, including my grandson,” Martha said.

The activity of collecting plastic bottles usually started at 01.00 pm until the evening.

“We start during the day, because in the morning we first complete our homework,” said both.

According to both, every day they have to walk the streets of Manado City to get the plastic bottles. This activity they were did not even a year.

“We do it on foot, we can get 5-10 kilograms of plastic bottles,” Martha said.

She added the results they get usually they are accommodated for a month, then sold.

“The results we get is about four hundred to five hundred thousand per month,” she said.

Without realizing, it turns out that both activities for collect plastic bottles they do with their pleasure, it has been easing the burden of the Department of Hygiene in overcoming the problem of plastic waste.

Both also admit that the profession is done with pleasure.

“This profession should wrestled with a cheerful heart and a strong spirit,” said Masni with a smile.


Editor: Christo Senduk

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