Ngongo, historical heritage in Maliku Village

Tessa Senduk
Goa Ngngo di Desa Maliku (Foto: Tim Mata Desa) – There are so many unknown heritage sites in Indonesia that are almost located in Indonesia’s villages.

North Sulawesi Provinces has many historical heritage that could be a cultural attraction someday to be interesting to visit.

Various historical heritages are uniquely stored in Maliku Village, East Amurang District, South Minahasa Regency. One of them is the cave, villagers call ‘Ngongo’.

Head of Maliku Village Ferry Pieters Pandey invited Zona Utara Editorial Team to visit this cave located about 50 meters from the village.

Ferry revealed, from the stories of Maliku elders, cave existence was before the colonial era.

“We call it Ngongo, do not know who and when it was made. Because besides that, the history of Maliku Village itself has long been lost,” Ferry said.

Until now, no one has ever traced to cave that was about 7 meters in diameter and located on the edge of the river. The local people did not dare to go deeper cave where was clear water, bird nests and bats in it.

Supposedly, based on elders story, the cave was not only seem by eyes, but, it penetrated to another part of the hill in this village.
Ngongo Cave (Foto: Tim Mata Desa)

According to Ferry, beside of the existence Ngongo, in Maliku has also numbers of stone inscriptions that believed from ancient times.

“This village has been around since 1600s. Many stones have historical value which in our opinion has a connected with the existence of our village,” he explained.

Because of the existence of caves and some historical stones, Ferry along community are pioneering this place to become a historical tourist destination.

“In 2018, we have put these in the tourism potential development plan of Maliku Village, starting from the concept, budget and management. So, this can provide an income villagers,” he concluded.

Editor: Ronny Adolof Buol


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