
The Tradition of Build House in Sitaro

SITARO, – The archipelago of Siau, Tagulandang, Biaro (Sitaro) is a region known as nutmeg production, and also known as for its tourism and customs.

An example of Sitaro’s tradition is the myths when build house. The position of tiang raja (a house prime pole) may not be overturned. The house beam that should not be in the middle of the door or window.

They are concerned the construction. According to people there, house construction would be connect with their health and prosperity.

Ripson Minggu, a head builder from Dompase village, Central Siau district. “To build a house we had to use our tradition”.

Sometimes, he had a request by people to observe their houses condition, because the house owner was often sick. And after repaired the house construction, homeowners immediately recovered.

According to Gat Kuera, a builder from Dame Village, East Siau district, Sitaro Region. There has been proven when the house construction ignoring the tradition.

“There was a house owner get sick and not cured anymore. Then, they asked me to check their house. Evidently, the house beam had in the middle of the door frame. So, I told them to repair it. After that, the house owner getting well,” Said Gat.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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