
Mystical Story of Jin Cave

GORONTALO, – Jin is cave inside a big stone. It is located in Atinggola district, Gorontalo, Indonesia. The name of Jin seemed haunted and scary.

The Uniquely, on top of a cluster of rock hills, grows a banyan tree, and the roots pierce into the rock hill.

According to the people in village, the place is believed to be a sacred place, known as the jin home. Anyone can enter this place, but must follow the rules.

“To get into this place, visitors do not ever wear red clothes, because the color is not preferred by the genie who was in that place,” said Dasri Banshu to Zona Utara journalist on Sunday (12/11/2017).

In addition, Banshu said, there are also other restrictions related to silence, to enter into the location can not  be noisy.

“Visiting hours in the morning until 03.00 pm. And do not ever be around the place before sunset, “said Halimah.

According to both, story by  their grandparents,  there was a woman who did not obey the rules, and be lost in the cave. And can not be found until now.

Interestingly, Dasri and Halima claimed, the towering stone hill is one of a series of the existence of the palace of Jin Wentira, that located in Central Sulawesi.

“According to the story that has been passed down from generation to generation, this place is one of the main entrance to enter the palace genie in Wentira City, Central Sulawesi,” Said Dasri and Halima.

Inside the rock hill, there are several rooms, and there is one main room which is about 6 × 5 meters wide.

Through the room, visitors can climb up to the top of the hill. In that room there is root of banyan tree.  Uniquely root consists of two color are red and white.

The mystery of the location of the rock hill is believed to be Jin City, because th mystical story of that place.

“Sometimes we see some black monkeys and tails”, they said.

Furthermore, they often hear of someone who while chatting. But they do not understand the language they use. More dominant sounds like someone who while muttering.


Writer: Tesafilia Senduk

Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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