
An Ancient Objects Found in Ranoyapo

MANADO, – Netizen was surprised by an ancient object founded in Ranoyapo and be posted by Meiske Pelle Lumintang on his Facebook account.

The objects made of stone, found on the land of Joppie Rumimper Sengkey residence in Ranoyapo Village. It is believed a Lesung, a relic of Minahasa culture.

Meiske revealed, it was found in the border of Pontak and North Poopo, District Ranoyapo South Minahasa Regency.

The photos got response and started become viral on Facebook. An account named Rambing Tinaaran, commented that Lesung is a sign in which the ancestors of Minahasa was ever lived in the village.

She also suggested that, it is better the Lesung put in the original place because if moved or sold. Believe it or not, there is something will happen in that place or village.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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