
The Advantage Of Fireworks Seller In Every Turn The Year

MANADO, – Fireworks festivity in every turn of the year is becoming a phenomenon in Manado City. This condition also led to the proliferation of fireworks traders.

Try to walk around Kampung Cina, the storefronts in Jalan DI Panjaitan. Starting from Ban Hing Kiong Temple area, Taman Kesatuan Bangsa area, to Manado Harbor or Lembong Street, looks filled with firework merchants.

Frangky Aaron, a fireworks trader in Jalan DI Panjaitan, admitted that since six years ago, every December always sell Fireworks. According to him, since mid-December the firework already crowded hunted by citizens.

“My daily turnover ranges from Rp 1.5 million to Rp2 million,” said Frangky.

There are also a seller online by utilizing social media networks like Facebook (FB). Elina Miu, the 27-years-old woman who lives in Tuminting Village, did not expect to get many buyers every time she posted fireworks products in FB.

“At first just try to buy fireworks and then i post on FB. Apparently the response from my facebook friends are so great. A day can reap a profit of up to Rp500 thousand,” said Elina.

Although, it is first time selling fireworks online, Elina hopes to reap a lot of profit until the new year eve.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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