
Balirangeng Tourist Destination Crowded by Many Visitors

MANADO, – After Christmas 2017 and New Year 2018, a number of tourist destinations in the district of Siau, Tagulandang, Biaro (Sitaro) become crowded because of so many visitors. One of them is a spiritual tourism site located in Balirangeng Village, South East Siau District, Indonesia.

According to Adrianus Tamaka, from Balirangeng Village, who are daily in charge of guarding the resort, said that if tourists who come to visit in a day only about 5 to 10 people, but on Monday (1/1/2018) and Tuesday (2/2/2018) jumped dramatically.

“Tourists who come to visit in this place increased since Monday. Per day, on average about 200 people, “he explained.

Meanwhile, Hengki Derek, a visitor from East Siau District, said he came with his family to travel in that exotic location to fill the day off.

“We came to relax with the family, because the children also had holiday,” he said.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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