
‘Enceng Gondok’ Has Benefits for Fishermen In Tondano

MANADO, – The existence of Enceng Gondok plants in Tondano Lake, have benefits for the local fishermen, so it cannot be removed from the Lake. Said Secretary of Minahasa (Sekdakab), Jeffry Korengkeng.

Enceng Gondok has beneficial for the fishermen around the lake, because there is where the fish breed,” said Jeffry.

According to him, if there is no Enceng Gondok then the process breeding is will be slow, so that will make be difficult for fishermen.

“Last time ever planned to be opened fertilizer factory with the basic ingredients of Enceng Gondok. But we deny because we thought the community will be difficult,” he added.

However, the Minahasa Government will continue to make efforts to reduce this plants and also do controls so it is not disappeared from Tondano Lake.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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