
Benny Mamoto Prepared Minahasa Dictionary

MANADO, – Various local languages ​​in Minahasa are used when performances of Minahasa traditional ceremonies held on 3 January, in the cultural site of Watu Pinawetengan. The languages ​​were get special attention from Minahasa cultural observer Benny Mamoto.

To the journalist of Zona Utara (3/1/2018), Mamoto said  the enthusiasm of thousands residents who come and attend the traditional ceremony need to be appreciated and very necessary to be considered.

“I think that it would be a great thing if such meetingslike that  could be a forum for ​​digging up the noble values ​​in Minahasa  ritual. One of them is the aspect of preservation and the local language utilization,” explained Mamoto.

According to him, it is very important for existence Minahasa culture. Mamoto asserted, his intention to dig, lift and preserve the value of local wisdom, especially on aspects of local language, not just a planning, but it is going on.

“I have written several books related to Minahsa dictionaries,“ he said.

In fact,  Tountemboan ethnic dictionary has been revised three times. As for the dictionary of Pasan (Ratahan) and Tounsawang has second revision. Meanwhile, for Toumbulu language dictionary is complete and in the printing process.

While the dictionary of Bantik heading to the second revision, Talaud ditionary are process and Bolmong language has been completed 70 percent.

Mamoto added, they are doing documentation of languages ​​in Minahasa so that will not be extinct.

“So, through a traditional ceremony at the site of Watu Pinawetengan, many things that we could see, such as aspects of tourism, culture and utilization of local language,” said Mamoto.


Editor: Eva Aruperes

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