
Chaotic Cables Spoil The View in Manado City

MANADO, – Manado City as the capital of North Sulawesi Province is the main door for local and foreign tourists, before further tracing the various tourist attractions in North Sulawesi.

That means  Manado City  have to fix the infrastructure that seems laid out in careless and reduce the aesthetic value of the city, for example the cable that seems chaotic scatter on the air of Manado.

The chaotic cables in this city have response from the Chairman of Indonesian Advocates Association of North Sulawesi, E K Tindangen.

Tindangen said, the existence of chaotic cables makes Manado city has been not beauty anymore. According to Tindangen, the government should be more responsive, especially the City Planning Department.

“The government should be more pro-active in regulating the city. It have to accordance with the existing regulations,”said Tindangen to Zona Utara journalist.

He hopes, the government can make a Regional Regulation that has a real effect to control chaotic cables. In addition, the government also must be firm to the companies that uses the cable can be obedient the rules.

“That is all my hope as a community and also as Chairman of Indonesian Advocates Association of North Sulawesi,” he explained.


Editor: Ronny A. Buol

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