
Story About Statue Of Longevity God In Ban Hin Kiong Temple

MANADO, – Ban Hin Kiong Temple located in Chinese Area of Manado City, at Jalan D I Panjaitan has a mystery story. This is about Arca Dewa Panjang Umur or the statue of Longevity God that was not burnt when this temple was burned by irresponsible people on March 14, 1970.

“Since the fire, all the data in temple is gone. But, there is only one statue that does not burn, it is the statue of Longevity God, “said Chairman of Ban Hin Kiong Temple Jufri Sondakh.

According to the Tionghoa-Manado Chinese Humanist Sofyan Yosadi in an article titled Menelusuri Sejarah Kampung Cina di Manado Ban Hing Kiong Temple was burned because of riots. And then, Ban Hing Kiong Temple was rebuilt in 1971 – 1972 when a Chinese-Manado figure Soei Swie Goan (Nyong Loho) served as chairman of temple.

In the fire, all the important data belonging to Ban Hin Kiong Temple burned, includes all Gods statue. But magically, a statue of Longevity God found still intact. When asked to Jufri the meaning this god statue, Jufri explained that it can be interpreted as a good sign for all of us in North Sulawesi.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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