
World Water Day 2018 Had Theme ‘Nature for Water’

MANADO, – World Water Day is observed on March 22 every year in order to utter how important of water. Because of water is one of most important natural resources. People, animals, and plants depend on water to survive.

The celebration of World Water Day XXVI, Minister of Public Works Housing Basuki Hadimuljojo said that this World Water Day celebration has themed Nature for Water.

Basuki’s speech read by  Head of Sulawesi River Region Basin I Djidon R Wantania, World Water Day is commemorated every March 22 since 26 years ago was implemented to remind  all parties about importance of water for survival by mankind on this earth .

“We could more concern in preserving nature and access to safe water for everyone on this earth,” he said in Sapu Kuala Malalayang activity to celebrate World Water Day XXVI at PAUD Development Center and Community Education Manado, on Friday (23/3/2018).

He said many challenges are faced about water problems. Today clean water scarcity has affected in 1.9 billion people worldwide.

“The population growth rapidly, water demand will also increase being one third in 2050,” he said.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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