
Getting Married Too Young Is One Common Reason Of Divorce

MANADO, – Lately it seems like so many of couples are breaking up caused several factors. One of them is because of getting married too young. Marrying too soon turned up as an important reason for divorce.

This is presented by Pastor Paul Richard Renwarin Pr, when interviewed by Zona Utara journalist in his office, at Pineleng Seminary School of Philosophy.

Various phenomena show some couples decide to divorce. However, this phenomenon cannot be called as a symptom, because symptoms refer to numbers.

To be a question, Father said, what is the basic reason couple had being divorce. From the temporary conclusion that based on observations and discussions with couples those want to divorce, it was dominant because getting married too young.
Pastor Paul Richard Renwarin. (Foto: Hermondo Kasiadi)

“Usually, they getting married too soon because had accident,” said Renwarin, Monday (26/3/2018).

They both parents immediately wed they daughter and son, so that there is no disgrace at all. Sometimes, parents expect their responsibilities have been lost when their child have married.

“It is still wrong, couples who marry in their teens need guidance,” said Renwarin.

Because they are not being mentored, he added, problems will come and divorce becomes their only solution. In fact, in the Catholic Church’s rules, as written in the Codex Canonici Iuris, the legitimate marriage because it was committed by two adults and carried out on the basis of their will, consciously without any compulsion from another ones. Minimum age for marriage has been set, at least 16 years old.

Facing a divorce case, Pastor said, the Catholic Church remains firm in the Church’s rules that they are not recognizing and disapproving the divorce.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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