
Gemini daily horoscope for February 16

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Image: – As a Gemini, your social life is a key element in your world. It’s been easy for you to fall out of touch lately. Monday’s skies remind you of the importance of reconnecting with your crew, as the moon dances through excitable Aries.

Luna spends the day in a series of uplifting connections, as she aligns with messenger Mercury and aspirational Jupiter. It’s a great day for putting any group-related plans into action.

Love for Gemini

Things seem to be going pretty smooth for you today, with the exception of having red-hot Mars in your twelfth house of closure, dreams, and all things behind the scenes. And despite whether or not you prefer to detach from the anxious feelings continuously creeping up as of late, you can start by being more gentle with yourself.

On a brighter note, today’s moon will ignite your experimental eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, all the while making a sweet sextile to your planetary ruler, Mercury and lovely Venus. Simply being yourself goes a tremendously long way, Gemini.


Gemini, miscommunications can erupt but the universe is smoothing out this energy. You may be involved in a conversation online or social media, that ends up feeling challenging. You must share your values and beliefs in a public way.

The reactive Aries moon is forming a connection with Chiron in Aries in your eleventh house of hopes, dreams, and wishes. The moon is also positively powered by Mercury retrograde in Aquarius in your ninth house of beliefs.

While you have thoughts that this will affect your career negatively, it has a reverse effect.

Dating for Gemini

Don’t be too surprised if your sweetie or best friend pitches a fit when you let loose with something seemingly innocuous. You may need to backpedal, but it’s not really that big a deal.

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