
‘Blante’ Kawangkoan Traditional Market

MINAHASA, -‘Blante’ means exchange, balance, and or barter, is the name of traditional market in Kawangkoan, Minahasa Region.

The market is always present on every Thursday, a place of sale and purchase cattle. The price of cows ranging from Rp 4,000,000 to Rp 10,000,000, but they easily transact without proof of payment.

Only with a word CES (pats each other’s palms), meaning deal. The excitement is seen when Berti Rori and James Manoppo did transaction.

Like being joking, Berti, 46, offers James’s cows for purchase. Only by murmur for the price and laughing at each other, a moment later they CES and hand each other, Berti immediately give the money to James. That means it is deal.

Berti brought two cows at the price of Rp 12.25 million. He admitted, he always buy cows.

“I used to buy cows because I am a broker for the buyers who have become my customers,” Berti told to reporters Zona Utara, Thursday (23/11/2017).

With a simple appearance but carrying a lot of money, Berti explained he also has a cattle in his farm.

“I have 10 cows, now I would buy 6 cows to be treated, and then I will sell it,” he said

Not only as a buyer, he also as a seller, and he already has loyal customers from out of town.

“My buyers often come from Makassar, Tobelo, Gorontalo, and Palu,” said Berti.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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