
Minahasa Ritual Ceremony, Implementation of Local Wisdom Values

MANADO, – Traditional ceremony is held regularly every January 3 at the Watu Pinawetengan cultural sites, it was getting serious attention from some cultural and religious observers.

One of them is Pdt. Richard Siwu, who is one of the religious figures in North Sulawesi.  When journalist from Zona Utara met Siwu at the ceremonial, Siwu explained that it was his first presence ever.

“At the same time I want to observe the ritual process, including how much enthusiastic citizens in the traditional ritual ceremony,” said Siwu.

According to him, through his observations, there is so much potential for local ability in the Minahasa region which needs to be conserved and developed.

“This is similar with the program of the world community, including the program of Indonsia Government, to constantly develop the values ​​of local wisdom,” said Siwu.

He explains, the values ​​of local wisdom need to be explored, like the old languages or local language, the expressions of art and culture. This is very urgent, especially at this time, the existence of the local languages ​​ seemed less noticeable. Because without an effort to preserve the old language (local language), it is not impossible that language will disappear.

“If I am not mistaken,  at the beginning of January 2013, there is an officially announcement from the Central Language Center which says that if we do not care about the local language, in the next few years, there are 169 local languages ​will disappear,” Said Siwu.

Therefore, according to him, this Minahasa custom ritual is the right momentum to dig, and preserve the values ​​of local wisdom, including the local language.

Digging, lifting and preserving cultural values, is not just the task of academics, culturalist, but also become task for all parties.

Siwu added, Christianity is a religion brought by Europeans. Christianity was raised in Europe before, her strong cultural values ​​were attached to Christianity. In order to develop the values ​​of local cultural wisdom to flourish in the Christian church, the task of all parties could do it in line with the mission of the church.

“In the theology language, termed of word Inculturation. That is, the values ​​of local wisdom, including regional languages ​​and cultural expressions and art Minahasa area, also entered the church, “he said.

Related to the oblique connotations pinned on the part of the Christian people who active in Minahasan traditional ceremonies of Minahasa culture, they are a part of idols worship, that is not true, Siwu explained.

“If that happens, me as a parson, feel guilty. I guess it is the failure of  church, and also my failure. That means the church is not successful in Inculturation. Both his liturgy, and the ways of his church, came to his songs. Well, for example the songs used, should be the cultural songs of the region, we had to lift up. Thus, there is Inculturation between faith we inherited from Europe and spirituality from local. So, not only said, and use only imports, but there is also a song from the local “said Siwu.

He added that there is a church located in Central Sulawesi, whose liturgical offerings use Balinese traditional dances. It is should be exemplified. Basically, so that the values ​​of local wisdom that exist in traditional ceremonies Minahasa not eroded, then the way is all parties must root the way and depth it.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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