
The Synopsis Of Sumanti Stone

MANADO, – Watu or Stone of Sumanti is a trace of Minahasa culture in Manado City. The cultural site is located in the yard of Tikala Ares Sub-district Office, Tikala District. Nearby is a large marble that features a synopsis of Watu Sumanti. Here is the synopsis of Watu Sumanti:

Watu Sumanti is meaning stone place sword. Watu Sumanti means Watu-Stone and Santi Sumanti-swords, sword play. This time before the name of a rock called Pa’lalesan Sumanti or Pa’lenasan which means rock and stone Scripture zairah place. At the time of the ancient Minahasa, time did a ritual rumuru, ruru kta-edge origin or meaning to marginalize. Rumuru aims to oust ritual, separating or removing people who intend evil (tou lewo, rages lewo) or the existence of disease outbreaks (Minahasa people call wind) from residential areas.

The beginning of the ritual with a place where residents whisked safely, then Chairman of the ritual called Walian while holding the Rere Ta’as (rib seho), with Waraney (Knight) then go to Watu Pa’lenasan while sword called Sumanti, then walked around the settlement and the other house to house, while screaming with the intention of expelling evil spirits.

In addition, the Watu Sumanti  present as a sign of the astablishment of new Wanua (village) and near the stones have always been linked to rerumeta’an or offering to the Opo Empung, Opo drimpuruan (God). Around the stone, there is usually a musalla, called Um Lezar Banua, or land of the country. Lezar Um Banua which later occupied and became the early settlements in Manado. The first settlement founded in Manado was Wanua Ares.

In Ancient Minahasa thing to do ritual is performed every year or both impaired when coming from an evil man as well as disease outbreaks. This ritual is held frequently make Watu Pa’lenasan/Pa’lalesan later known as Watu Sumanti, or rock the place swinging the sword.

From this emerged a ritual Ruru Ares for the Waraney in Ares, such as Wongkar and is also called Lolong Lasut, and Matindas (those three Musketeers of old country Lota). Wongkar Patar Un then established detention because it grows provie detention, while Wood Lolong Lasut called (Lolonglasut ) settled the Northern Hardwood Patama Aris Overgrown Un Aris Matindas, and settled in Maadon.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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