
Reynaldi Koraag, The Youngest Tang Sin in Bitung Cap Go Meh

MANADO, – Cap Go Meh celebration, on Friday (2/3/2018) in Bitung City are going lively. Seng Bo Kiong Temple looks festive with a variety of red ornaments. Since morning, the temple located in AA Maramis Road is crowded.

Total of seven Kio where Tangsin will be paraded. Tang Sin is a person specially prepared to represent the presence of God. Tangsin attraction is the most eagerly awaited the citizens. In addition to Tangsin, various attractions will also be featured in the parade that will pass through the main road of Bitung City.

Interestingly, there is a youngest Tangsin in this Cap Go Meh celebration.  He is Reynaldi Koraag (15) from Pineleng Village.

“This is my second time as Tangsin in Cap Go Meh procession at Seng Bo Kiong Temple,” said Reynaldi.

According to him, the first participation was last year. He becomes a Tangsin because he got trust from the Holy Spirit. Reynaldi represent Tangsin from Giok Tjeng Song Tjeng Tay Tjeng Temple. This temple is located in Pineleng Village.

He is a student in Senior High School 1 Pineleng who gives his body as a media for Holy Spirit through his duties as Tang Sien. However, he does not forget to study at school.

“I am required to be able to divide the time between studying and as Tangsin,” he said.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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