
Edgar Sondakh, A Little Drummer From Sangihe Regency

MANADO, – The ten years old of a drummer Nathaniel Shawn Edgar Sondakh had amazed by his performance in various events in Sangihe Regency. Especially when he showed his talent at Musik Suara Perbatasan Concert that celebrated the National Music Day on March 9, 2018 in Tahuna.

His father Ferdy Sondakh admitted to Zona Utara that his son’s talent is a gift from God.

“His talent began when he was two years old. Whenever Edgar listens to music, his hands do not stop knocking on any object he holds,” Ferdy said.

Seeing his son’s talent, he bought an electronic drum. It made Edgar happy and showed his talent.

“When I give an electronic drum, he did not want to play outdoors anymore, just stay at home and playing the drum,” Ferdy said.

Finally, Edgar can able to appear in various events. This little drummer has twice dazzled the audience in 2018.

First, he had showed in Sanggar Seni Sariwang Declaration, on Saturday (17/2/2018). And second at Musik Suara Perbatasan Concert by Regent and Vice Regent of Sangihe.

His parents find a private teacher to hone his talent.

“He is following a drum lesson for about 12 hours a week. Hopefully, he can be bring the name of our beloved region,” said Ferdy.


Editor: Rahadih Gedoan

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