
Unsrat Utter Unity Spirit

MANADO, – The Easter celebration of Manado Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) academic was held in Tetempangan Hills, Koha Village, on Thursday (5/4/2018).

This moment as a victory of Christian for His rising. In addition to build the togetherness between the leaders, lecturers, education personnel and also students in advancing the campus excellence and culture with A predicate.

Unsrat Rector Ellen Joan Kumaat in Easter speech said, a message of peace and unity for all Unsrat academic community through love and affection between people to help each other according to Unsrat’s philosophy, Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou.

“Let us holding hand, raise the ranks, keep a good name of Unsrat and do not be affected from another action that wants to damage our beloved collage. Just living in harmony to makes Unsrat being success,” she said.

Even if there are differences of opinion, she added, it is a common thing especially Unsrat is facing the process of rector election.

“Different choices are common thing. But we do not be divided, because it can utilized by irresponsible parties whose want Unsrat be riot and chaotic. We respect every process and of course stay solid and keep the campus still conducive,” said Kumaat.

Meanwhile, the President of Student Executive Board of Unsrat Combyan Lombongbitung also asserted that Unsrat should be conducive and secure.

“In this process of rector election, I urge students do not easily be affected. All issues in each faculty should be addressed smartly, because this momentum is very susceptible for schism occurs. I always ready to stand forefront in maintaining the conduciveness campus, because we all have the same goal to achieve Unsrat for best, cultured and harmonious,” he said.

He also strongly condemned if there are actions on behalf Unsrat students just to break the unity.

“Unsrat is very cultured, we all understand very well to maintain the good name our campus, if there are elements whose do the actionjust for a momentary interest, clearly it is not done by Unsrat students,” he added.

Both Kumaat and Lombongbitung appealed for the Easter victory, to be a passion for the entire academic community of Unsrat in order to make life have more meaningful.


Editor : Christo Senduk

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